Golden Visa

“Golden visa” law is a program designed by the Greek government to attract investment into Greece. Similar to other EU countries with real estate investment   programs, but way more simple and straightforward, the Greek program started in 2013 and since now it has attracted a large number of investors from third countries, reaching its peek in 2018 and gradually growing.

The Law “Creation of a Development Friendly Environment for Strategic and Private Investments” (4146/2013) of the Ministry for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and more specifically Article 36A, grants residence permit to citizens of non-Schengen countries and their family members (children under 21 years old and spouses), who buy property in Greece, the value of which exceeds €250,000.

The residence permit may be renewed for the same duration (five years), if the property remains unchanged in its legal ownership status.
The residence permit does not grant a right to employment of any kind.

In 2023 the investment threshold of €250,000 has been raised for specific regions in the Attica area, Thessaloniki, Santorini and Mykonos to €500,000.

Our partner lawyers can guide you in all steps of the process.

If you are looking for properties suitable for “Golden Visa” investment, please contact us and we will send you options.



Gorgiou 11, Mets, 11636

Athens Greece

+30 210 9005800

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